About Us

Something Different Psychotherapy Community is a collective of psychotherapists and counsellors and those accessing psychotherapy who have the belief, the intuition or even a vague sense that what happens to us is more than just us. 

The ‘mental health’ system is broken: It can be very difficult to access psychotherapy. Public health systems often have waiting lists of up to a year. Therapists charge huge amounts of money with a lot of advertising and shiny Instagram pages with thousands of followers and empty messages like “be the best version of yourself”. This situation highlights a deep injustice in our society.

It can be very difficult for all of us, especially the ones who are traumatized and who are looking for packaged answers to find an authentic therapeutic match.

It makes sense to be ill in an ill society, and unless we tackle the injustice, as therapists we are doing little more than patching up the people we see and passing the problem along. This is why at SDPC we are experimenting with new ways of practicing and making psychotherapy available, that are transformative of this background, as well as of individual lives. Our intuition is that we cannot truly create health for the individual without also squaring up to the systemic injustices we see in society. 

How it works…

We ask that people seeking therapy make a conscious contribution based on what you can afford and what you want to pay… If you can afford more we encourage you to see this as a way of ‘paying it forwards’. By coming to us for therapy, you are also contributing to change that goes beyond your immediate situation by enabling people who may otherwise have been excluded to access therapy.

We are a private company, which gives us the freedom to allocate funding in proportion to contribution and with a sensitivity to need, and yet we do not make a profit. We make our terms and financial model publicly available.